So after clean chit from hit and run case, Salman Khan got acquitted in blackbuck, chinkara poaching cases. The verdict was pronounced by Justice Nirmaljeet Kaur of Jodhpur principal seat of High Court.
The verdict comes after the actor had challenged the lower court’s decision that awarded him a five-year sentence and a one-year sentence in two separate cases of poaching. Salman Khan was accused of killing a blackbuck and a chinkara in two separate incidents in 1998. The high court was done with hearing last week of May but decision was not out at that time.
Recently during the release of Sultan his tweet regarding rape created lots of controversies. Salman has not offered an apology for his statement.
Last year, the actor also got acquitted of the hit-and-run case in which he was accused of running over homeless men while drunk driving on the streets of Mumbai.
Recently we have posted about Super star Salman Khan's movie which earns more than 100 crore.
The verdict comes after the actor had challenged the lower court’s decision that awarded him a five-year sentence and a one-year sentence in two separate cases of poaching. Salman Khan was accused of killing a blackbuck and a chinkara in two separate incidents in 1998. The high court was done with hearing last week of May but decision was not out at that time.
Recently during the release of Sultan his tweet regarding rape created lots of controversies. Salman has not offered an apology for his statement.
Last year, the actor also got acquitted of the hit-and-run case in which he was accused of running over homeless men while drunk driving on the streets of Mumbai.
Recently we have posted about Super star Salman Khan's movie which earns more than 100 crore.
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