Saturday, December 8, 2012

Best free Keylogger

Hello friends.....whats up....

This time I am providing you with a very important tool which is going to help you in a lot of ways.
I am talking about keylogger. It is absolutely free of cost. No installation required. .Just download the zip file open it and double click the log.exe. Thats all.

Steps to use Keylogger.

1. DOWNLOAD the zip file.

2. Open it and double click the log.exe file.

3. A window will appear asking you for the location where you want to store/save the log file. It will be a text file which is by default encrypted.

4. select the location and then press check the "start when computer starts" option.

5. When you want to see the log file, just press the hot key "ctrl+atl+y". A window will appear press decode and goto the location where you selected the log file to be stored. You will see the file there.


IF any problem aks in the comments below...
